Photography by Chris Carr.
I am a NY based photographer...enjoy my works of art.
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Apocalypto Stoney

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Friday, July 17, 2009


Don't forget, guys and dolls- tonight we have some serious art, music, dancing, and FUN to get into.

$2 beers. Cheap door. Stop by or stay all night.


A super-fun multimedia art-party celebrating everything remixed, remade, repurposed, collaborated, and collaged.

Come early for the genre-bending art show, featuring works by: DAZE — a graffiti legend famous for painting subways in the cult film "Wildstyle", Sinead McCarthy — a porn blogger and naughty photographer, Nate "Igor" Smith — the guy who captures your drunken moments on, Gwynn Galitzer — who uses My Little Pony as social commentary, Lenora Jayne, Evan Rosen, Carey Baldwin, Najva Sol, Anoush Dekhordi, Helen Buyniski, and Ari Goldstein. Be prepared for neon-glitter apocalypses, subverted woodblock prints, handcrafted curiousities, and Photoshop wizardry.

In typical Lowbrow Society fashion, we believe that all good art is a reason to party. Rock out to live music by Rosetta Stoned - an indie hip-hop outfit that recently opened for Peaches, Spiral Beach- "electro art fusion pop/trash/dance punk", and Cloud — a J-dilla-esque MPC beatmaker.

Late night Mashup/Electro/Remix/Dirty Dub DJing by: DJ Tommy D, Action Alex, and 12 Inch Endowment. Be prepared for tag-team turntablism and dancing your pants off.

More proof that we love you (and want you to come out)...
SUPER CHEAP DRINKS. Performance by Inbred Hybrid Collective. Interactive exquisite corpse drawings. Short film by Irina Sarnetskaya. Face/body painting. Superhero armor fashion show by Dr. Adventure. 8-bit music.

Feel free to come dressed in your most remixed and ridiculous finery.
Strip naked all the expectations around "art" and get dirty with the unconventional.

Art show: 7-11
Bands/performances: 10:30-1ish
DJ's: 1ish- late-ish

$5 suggested donation before 11:30
$5 mandatory after 11:30
265 McKibbin St. Unit 210

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