Photography by Chris Carr.
I am a NY based photographer...enjoy my works of art.
To hire | 917. 204. 1501

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Casting Male and Female models with tattoos, piercings, etc...

   My name is Chris and I am the photographer from Eat the Cake NYC. 

I am casting for male and female models of all race/ethnic/national backgrounds and all sizes for my portraiture project on Tattoos.. the bigger the tattoo, the better.
I am looking to put together a photo book over the next 5 years shooting as many people with tattoos as possible.
Also looking to shoot piercings, scarification, and other types of body modification...

Models, hair, make up etc... will receive credit and photos in return.. there is no monetary compensation.

You can see an examples of the tattoo work here:

Please email me at INFO@CHRISCARRPHOTO.COM with:

Link to on line port:

I will give you details, address and directions.

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