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I am a NY based photographer...enjoy my works of art.
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Come to our fundraiser....

Sunday, April 11th, 12p - 5p
Actor's Connection, 630 9th Ave. Suite 1410

Make Up for Indie Film: 101

Cocktails & Networking!

A benefit for Marro Media's premiere feature
film Greetings from Bushwick

Featured by Motives by Loren Ridinger ($5 in advance. ($8 at
the door.)

Reserve here:

Learn the seven top must haves for women for looking your best on

Learn the best ways
to look flawless on camera for hours!

Learn the secrets to keeping your skin healthy and
younger-looking through nutritional supplementation!

application techniques from some of the industry's best makeup artists!

Guys don't be shy, you need to
look your best on film and we have must haves for you too!

get the look you want for
film and television (as well as some skin care and anti-aging secrets of

the stars) and meet the
producer, director and star of the film! Plus the film's
casting director will be on hand looking for actors to fill the few
remaining roles, so you may want to have your headshot handy!

Can't make it but want
to show some love?

Buy a $5 ticket as a donation:

Or give a donation amount of your choice!

And there's more! We'll be raffling
off some great gift items including:

One Hour Coaching
Session w/ Valencia Yearwood:


is an actress, voice-over
artist, print model, singer, dancer, director and producer. She has
appeared on Broadway and has
booked various national and regional commercials, including FedEx,
Verizon and NY Lottery, to name only a few.
If you ever
wanted to see yourself on television or be on
stage, Valencia can help you.

Complimentary Thriving Artists
Financial Coaching

Are you a binge spender? Do you get to the 15th of every month and
think "Uh Oh!" I am already over budget? Do you know what your net worth is? Do you know how to
track it? Joe and Christine will help make sure you are on a thriving path toward
financial freedom.

2 Seats to Wealthy Artist
Millionaires Club

seats to the May 3rd and 5th Wealthy Artist beginner Millionaires Club
meeting. Learn how to generate $2,000 to $5,000 each month in residual
income. Now is the time learn how to trade stock and change your life.

Actor's Connection
3 Pack of Seminar Credits

Whether you're
representation, focusing on new areas of the acting business, striving
to improve your auditioning skills, or simply networking, Actors
Connection provides you with ALL of the necessary tools for success in
today's acting market!

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